WW – 15JULY15

15 07 2015

It’s doesn’t matter how many people are in your life; What matters is how you affect the number of people in your life.

I have repeatedly said to friends that “social media” has become the death of true social interaction.  People today, youth and adults alike, are more concerned with their sense of self importance – how many likes or follows does my picture garner – and increasingly less concerned with actual social interact and the affect on the real world around them.  Popularity is trumping perseverance – It’s more about “me” and “my benefit” than concern for the collective well-being.

Take a second and ponder the following: When you are dead and gone and the popularity fades, how will you be remembered?  WILL you be remembered?

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” 
― Maya Angelou

As I have said before, whether it’s ONE person or ONE MILLION, what’s your contribution  – what will your lasting legacy be?



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