MM – 27FEB12

27 02 2012

Although you may not see the final result immediately, or even directly ever, that doesn’t mean your initial effort didn’t achieve your goal, leave a lasting effect or was all for nothing.  

Always put your best effort and INTENTIONS forward.

Newton’s third law of motion states, “for ever action there is an equal reaction.”   That applies not only to the laws of physics and motion, but to life in general.  For every action you take, there is a resulting direct or indirect reaction from those around you.

I recently had the pleasure of working with part of Sweden’s state institution for a few weeks teaching dance at one of the boys’ jails as part of their sports development program.  The facility is separated into 5 different housing units based upon their level of crime from juvenline delinquency to major crime as well as a unit for those with mental/learning disabilities (eg Asperberger’s, Autism or underdeveloped social mentalities), where this anecdote takes place.  While it is already hard enough to get guys in general to want to dance, it’s an extra effort to engage those in jail and even more so those in jail with mental handicaps whom also already have self-confidence issues.  Although I didn’t get them to dance themselves, I entertained them and the staff with teaching the staff part of MJ’s THRILLER and a little breaking footwork basics.  I left on vacation to Sydney and when I returned for one more day of the program, my colleague for the program was excited to fill me in with some information she received from her colleagues in the special unit during my absence…

Although they didn’t dance and at some points seemed disassociated from what was happening that day, after I left, the energy and mood completely changed for the rest of the day and even a day or two after.  Prior to my arrival, the guys in that unit had been somewhat aggressive, destructive and uncooperative, but after my arrival and departure they were more relaxed, amicable and positively charged.  That day I returned from Sydney for one more, we decided I would spend the hour showing them different dance styles on youtube and halfway through they asked if they could see me in some videos or other work.  When I was done they came up to me and shook my hand or gave me a hug and said thanks for coming.

While my initial effort to get them to dance didn’t go completely as planned, the lasting effect was that I was able to engage their interest and affect them in a way that changed their demeanor into a more positive result.  Furthermore, that they wanted to see me in work I had done, asked questions and engaged with me shows a major signs of achieving what I originally set out to do.

Don’t focus on the task at hand and dont focus on a/the tangible prize at the end. Get the job done to your best abilities with integrity and positivity.  You may find the results are better than you initially sought, even if you don’t actually see them.

MM – 20FEB12

20 02 2012

Do not allow your success to measured as the achievement of one great accomplishment.  Instead, recognize the greatness in the number of accomplishments you have achieved. 

So often do people look for that magic “I’ve made it!” moment in their life to qualify/substantiate themselves and their success in public opinion.  Don’t look for others to tell you when you have made it/are successful.  Allow yourself to recognize the number of accomplishments you have achieved, no matter how big or small they are, because YOU have accomplished.

Give yourself a little self-back-pat and say, “Yeah, I did that…!”


MM – 13FEB12

13 02 2012

Find/Maintain yourself in a place where you are being inspirationally challenged, not challenged inspirationally.

Your surrounding environment (people, places & energy) should be one where your inspiration is constantly and consistently being renewed and moving forward in new directions resulting in further inspiration, motivation and creative output.  If you find yourself in a place where you are challenged to be creative, motivated and inspired – a stalemate – it’s time to move on to a new place, literally and figuratively.

Don’t allow yourself to become stagnant or feel trapped.

Rise to the challenge and find/set your new path.

MM – 6FEB12

6 02 2012

Understand the beauty and the power of the uniqueness that is YOU.

“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.”
–Maya Angelou