Reflection – The problem with AVATAR

26 12 2009

AVATAR was a great movie that featured great actors, a great storyline, stunning visual effects, took 15years to actually make (CAMERON started the script in 94) and is possibly the most expensive movie ever made. entertainment media eats this shit up. but movies such as AVATAR are so much more than giant advances in movie production – they also have powerful messages & morals. unfortunately, in mainstream culture these prolific plotlines will be incompletely received thanks to the HOLLYWOOD-COMPLEX.


it’s when a blockbuster release has a deep and meaningful story to tell, it creates a lot of BUZZ, TALK & PRAISE in the beginning….but that’s all it will ever achieve because although it has some kind of impact on people, it’s still just ENTERTAINMENT to them. other impacting movies i can think of include: CRASH, HURT LOCKER, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, FERN GULLY to name a few. seeing such films, it gets people to think while in the movie and being entertained then shortly thereafter when they discuss with friends, but they fail to realize the actual message needs to be played out in their actual lives from that point forward.

BROKEBACK is so much more than being a “gay cowboy” movie; i found it more to be about loving something/someone so much that it hurts because/when you cant have.

FERN GULLY was more than just saving the rainforest; i found it to be about how our actions impact the environment as well as other habitats.

HURT LOCKER was more than an adrenaline-rushed military bomb squad; i found it more about how our military tactics of “shoot first, ask second”/brute force caters to and fuels the hatred these occupied countries have developed for us and how that plays out in our interactions with them as well as between ourselves (and please dont try to read into that statement of me not liking our military. stick with the bigger picture here please).

CRASH is so much more than a creatively intertwined script of different lives; i found it to be a great showcase of the latent prejudices against other people and our individual selves that still remain.

these are just some of the messages >>”I”<< got (trying to emphasize the word I here) from these films and have since applied them to my daily life. in your viewings of such films, whatever message you received, have you ever thought they were or could be actual realities or have you only considered them mere accolades of the entertainment industry? again – SOME people will feel the effects immediately and carry forward with new meaning of life, yet most people will leave it once they exit the theater never once to think again how it would affect their present or future and the ones of those around them. of course, there are some that will understand the message and act upon it and grasp the concept but, unfortunately the MAJORITY of people are still in the matrix and have yet to wake up (pun intended).

so thats my problem. while i only seek to change the world one person at a time, the message sent (and received) to the masses will still only fall on deaf ears for a majority of the world, only to be praised for its accolades in the world of entertainment.

AVATAR was truly a beautiful movie from start to 2hr 40min finish, i truly hope that it affects more people than i want to give credit and i hope they dont ruin it with a sequel.

Reflection – Another leap but with more steps ahead…

15 12 2009

Today the DC city council broke huge civil grounds today with the 11-2 approval vote of a same-sex legislation. See the article here –

It’s a beautiful thing when those suffering from discrimination and others’ personal insecurities can see their fight rise above the plight, even just a moment or a step. But what is undeniably ugly is the jaded views, misconceptions and personal problems a number of people have with how other people should live their lives.

I came across a previous blog I wrote in contempt of the CA PROP 8 pending vote last year.

how do the following statements make you feel –

“a womans place is in the HOME…NOT in the workplace”
“a colored/negro should not be allowed to eat in the same place as me”
“women do not have the same rights as men and should not be allowed to vote”
“the jews killed jesus and should all be persecuted”
“all arabic/islamic/muslim are part of the taliban and i dont trust them enough to give me a ride in their dirty cabs”
“i wish the confederacy won”
“NINA (no irish need apply)”
“every mexican should be sent back across the border. they take up space and drive down our poverty line”
“my daughter is dating a black man. i cant believe i have a nigger-lover in my own home…”
“i bet pearl harbor was payback at us for not letting them slanted-eyes in the country back in 1882. they belonged in those prisons during WWII – how were we to know they werent spies…”

takes us back a few years in social and racial equality movements, eh?

youd THINK weve made SOME progress. but here we are again. 2008.

According to the social group PROTECTMARRIAGE.COM, Voting YES on Proposition 8 does 3 simple things:

  • It restores the definition of marriage to what the vast majority of California voters already approved and what Californians agree should be supported, not undermined.

  • It overturns the outrageous decision of four activist Supreme Court judges who ignored the will of the people.

  • It protects our children from being taught in public schools that “same-sex marriage” is the same as traditional marriage, and prevents other consequences to Californians who will be forced to not just be tolerant of gay lifestyles, but face mandatory compliance regardless of their personal beliefs.

[…did they REALLY just say FORCED TO BE TOLERANT….what the hell does that last “simple thing” even mean….?!?!]

well, what about the beloved allegiance to the country we all must state to prove our patriotism:
“i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america
and to the republic for which it stands
one nation
under god
with liberty and justice for all
–Pledge of Allegiance

or the summation of the rules and regulations set forth in the preface of the beloved independence documentation:
“we the people of the united states, in order to form a more perfect union
establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence,
promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity
, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”
–Preamble, US Constitution

but, apparently, since marriage is “defined” as the union between “man and woman”, those rules dont apply to all people. and that definition must be held sacred for the sake of protecting our traditional beliefs and values and protecting our children…

…………..from WHAT!?!?!

if thats what this argument is really about, “marriage is defined as the union between a man and a woman” then CHANGE THE F^&*$%G DEFINITION, as it already has been changed in the past. and these pending hurts to our children and society? really…..really? people are upset that their churches will begin to perform these same-sex marriages. so dont go to church anymore. then they are upset that their children may be taught and learn about alternative lifestyles. GOD FORBID. o yes….GOD forbid….people be allowed to live their lives and that your children grow up and learn to be culturally diverse you blatant bigot. then hell – blacks were never slaves…they were just indentured servants, the holocaust didnt happen…they just all died at the same time, and little tommy will only know that we are all the same in GODs eyes unless we are different. and those people that are different, tommy, are bad. very very bad….

but lets not dwell on semantic points. lets talk FACTS.

on a LEGAL standpoint, its blatantly ILLEGAL as deemed per our beloved ruling paper body – THE US CONSTITUTION:
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights,
shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people

–9th Amendment

for those of you that dont speak legal, it basically says “any certain rights that have been left out of the constitution does not mean that they can be denied or are not given to the people.”

and in 1948, the California Supreme Court became the first state court in the country to strike down a law prohibiting interracial marriage. (i bet those same bigots think we should go back and change interracial marriages to be considered civil unions as well….hell…they too were previously prohibited, right?) It was the only state supreme court to do so before the United States Supreme Court invalidated all those laws in 1967 (20 effin years later – we are SO the “united” states). The California Supreme Court held that “marriage is … something more than a civil contract subject to regulation by the state; it is a fundamental right of free men … Legislation infringing such rights must be based upon more than prejudice and must be free from oppressive discrimination to comply with the constitutional requirements of due process and equal protection of the laws” (Perez v. Sharp (1948) 32 Cal.2d 711, 714-715). The California Supreme Court explained that “the right to marry is the right to join in marriage with the person of one’s choice

but of course, assholism, bigotry and bible-thumping abounds and in 1977, the legislature amended Civil Code section 4100 (predecessor to what is now codified at Family Code section 300) to read that marriage is “a personal relation arising out of a civil contract between a man and a woman“. (so 30yrs ago the bible-thumpers had the definition changed. maybe its time for another update…maybe…?) As the legislature explained when it passed the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act:

The Legislature’s express purpose for this amendment was to prohibit same-sex couples from marrying. The gender-specific description of marriage that the Legislature adopted in 1977 specifically discriminated in favor of heterosexual couples and discriminated against, and continues to discriminate against, same-sex couples.


sooooooo……..discrimination is ok, as long as its moral by someone else’s standard?

collectively throughout history, ALL of our people have had to fight for equality to establish who we are today. Protestants, Asians, Jews, Catholics, Blacks, Irish, Polish, Mexican, Native Americans….and now our same-sex partnered friends and relatives. by even fathoming the idea of such a ludicrous proposition/amendment, these “traditional valuists” seek to admonish the basic human and civil rights granted and guaranteed to all living beings – ideologies and principals of which were the basis of the founding of this country…..(or as ive/weve been taught through history classes and textbooks and we all know how accurate THAT recollection is) – and continue to actively discriminate and segregate our “united nation” under false pretenses and governmental control. by voting for and allowing such action to take place, you might as well reinstate colored/white bathrooms & watering fountains and tell women that they must stay home to cook, clean and conceive.

if you have any family and/or friends, in the state of california, i “strongly urge” you to tell them to vote NO on PROP 8 and allow people to live their lives like the rest of us are granted/guaranteed everyday, without limitations or clauses. instead of focusing your hate/anger/biases/bigotries on how some one else should live their life, learn to step outside of your blinded boundaries and allow us to truly become a united nation…the united states we so proudly pretend to be. its a damn shame that so much time, energy and money is wasted on such fickle biases. if you support this prop – you are homophobic, a bigot and have some unresolved prejudiced issues you mask by counting the number of minority friends you have and believe SEGREGATION NEVER/INTEGRATION NOW was/is the downfall of this country.

many other states are looking to the CA vote to see how it goes and where they should make their moniker. in 1948 CA legislature made history by clearly seeing that it was illegal to discriminate against certain marriages…help make history again by declaring the same this time around….60yrs later….

NO on PROP 8….

whether or not you are gay, straight, bi, tri or non-denominational, do not allow yourself to become part of the social movement that is trying to take us, as humans, back to a time when discrimination was a socially acceptable practice. we all have opinions and beliefs but don’t allow those to turn into hate and prejudices against someone else. now living across the world, it is really showcased how bigoted and un-progressive we are as a country, as a society and as individuals in america.

and in the end – you are really just hurting and hating yourself.

Interstitial – Origins

9 12 2009

2nite, one of my roommates asked me the origins of my last name to which i comically replied, “o you know, the whole slave trade & white master/owner’s thing in american history…”

but then decided to look it up. i figured it really was of European/English descent from the triangle trades and ive always had a fondness for traveling thru europe and thought it was a past life type thing. i also say im just follow my spirit wherever it takes me in life. i just wasnt ready for this:

and that’s not the only site that says that either

honey – im home….
