4 07 2015

My fellow Americans –

Today is a day filled with joy in our hearts, smiles on our faces and happiness abound in the air as we celebrate the “official” birth of our nation. Parade routes are filled with young and old, families gather for barbecues, friends hang on the beach, everyone dresses in their best red, white and blue with good and healthy intent for all and as the fireworks burst in honor of our great nation, we are all proud to be Americans – for once a year we are actually UNITED in emotion and cause and stand together in solidarity and disapprove at anyone who disturbs the collective celebratory peace, regardless of who they are.

4th of July is a celebration of The US, celebrating the collective US. No racial, political, social, sexual or religious biases. We are all UNITED to celebrate us a nation, as a people.

If we can do this EVERY year, why [the EFF] can’t we do this EVERY DAY?

EVERY SINGLE PERSON OF EVERY SINGLE BACKGROUND HAS BEEN PERSECUTED AND HAS BEEN A VICTIM OF PREJUDICE during the entire existence of this country. The families of every White, Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, Rich, Poor, Male or Female at one point has been subject some form of oppression in the 500year settling of the country and the 239year life of The USofA – Irish, Polish, Japanese, German, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Black, Native American, Puritan, Christian, Wiccan, Pagan, Catholic, Jewish, Male, Female, Heteronomative, Heterosexual and more. So for **ANYONE** to have a prejudicial bone in their body is beyond me. If you can drop/forget about your bias(es) and stand together for 24hours in pride and honor, try to let them go altogether so that we can truly celebrate being the great nation we claim to be…the great nation we WANT to be.

LET FREEDOM – the freedom from religious oppression, the freedom for racial oppression, the freedom from gender oppression, the freedom from social oppression and freedom from all judgment – RING.


Mike Gamble's photo.




One response

14 07 2015

I totally agree … everyone has been discriminated against. Some more than others, but it’s been everyone. Good post and cool blog. Followed!

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